Bushies Travels

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hello again!

Hello only me. Bad news everyone we got our tax numbers in the post! Arse, this means we can get jobs! Boo! Hoo!
Have not really done alot been in the gym or on the beach, had another surfing lesson on Monday, once again I was poo! My balance is not to good but I did stand up this time but some snotty kid got in the way and I got wiped out in 6 inches of water! Owch!
Will get some more pic's on soon.

Hope everyone is good.

Take it easy.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Hello, just a quick one. Had my first surf lesson last week and I was crap! I stood up twice and grazed my knee on the sea bed (We were in very shallow water cus we were special!)
I am going to attempt more lessons very soon and if Hannah is feeling evil she might bring the camera and take some pic's so you can all laugh till you wee!

We have also joined a gym, Hannah haggled the price down cus she's tight........

Anyway we are off to the beach

peace and love to all and to all a good night!

Sun, sun and more sun.
